Piemme Broker joins Vantrunk’s international distributor network

We are delighted to welcome the newest member of our growing international network, Piemme Broker, the newly appointed distribution partner for Italy.
Piemme Broker specialises in the supply of products, material and equipment for the Oil & Gas, manufacturing, chemical, petrochemical and refining industries, assisting its clients in each stage of the identification, selection and ordering process.
The Piemme Broker team enables a fast, efficient and successful execution of the purchasing and procurement of crucial, and often ‘time critical’, electrical, control and instrumentation equipment.
Partnering with Vantrunk, globally renowned for providing high-quality, durable and time-saving cable management solutions for over 50 years, the Piemme Broker team will continue to provides its customers with total commitment and satisfaction on each and every project, across many different industry sectors.
To get in touch with a member of the Piemme Broker sales team please contact m.maiandi@pmbroker.it
For general Vantrunk product enquiries or technical advice please contact sales@vantrunk.co.uk